Seeing Math: System solver
Seeing Math: Function analyzer
Seeing Math: Quadratic transformer
Illuminations: Compound interest simulator
NLVM: Graphiques de fonctions
Shodor: Data Flyer
Shodor: Equation solver
Shodor: Function flyer
Shodor: Linear inequalities
Shodor: Vertical line test
Mathinsite: Exponential function
Mathinsite: Quadratic function
Math open reference: Function explorer
Analyzemath: Exponential function
Fichier Cabri: Partie entière
A family of function applet (Partie entière)
Ron Blond: Linear systems
Ron Blond: Linear inequality
Ron Blond: Systems of linear inequalities
Ron Blond: Quadratic function (forme canonique)
Ron Blond: Quadratic function (forme générale)
Ron Blond: Exponential function
Ron Blond: Inverse of a function
General Equation of a Line ax + by = c
Wisweb: Trouve la fonction
Wisweb: Growth
Wisweb: Playing with functions
NLVM: Calculateur de prêts
NLVM: Calculateur d'épargnes
Jim Reed: Exponential function
Jim Reed: Exponential decay
Jim Reed: Exponential growth
Copains: La descente
Copains: La course sans gagnant
Calculating payments with compound interest


Ron Blond: Slope calculation
Ron Blond: Distance entre 2 points
Ron Blond: Point milieu
Ron Blond: Slope comparison
Ron Blond: Droites perpendiculaires et pentes
Ron Blond: Triangle relations
Wisweb: Slope
E-Example NCTM: Rate of change
Illuminations: Congruence theorems
Jim Reed: Trigo (sinus, cosinus, tangente)
Jim Reed: Triangles isométriques et semblables
Cas d'isométries
Daniel Mentrard: Relations métriques dans le triangle rectangle
Daniel Mentrard: Trigonométrie dans le triangle rectangle
Daniel Mentrard: Droites perpendiculaires


Wisweb: Flow Charts
Illuminatons: Adjustable Spinner
Illuminations: Random drawing tool
NLVM: Persiste ou changer ?
Shodor: Adjustable Spinner
lIluminations: Probabilité expérimentale et théorique
Shodor: Coin toss
Shodor: Experimental probability
Shodor: Marbles
Ron Blond: The Monthy Hall problem
Free Roulette
Exploring Correlations
Illuminations: Linear regression
Illuminations: Line of best fit
NLVM: Nuage de points
Line of Best Fit Applet
Shodor: Diagramme à tige et à feuilles
Shodor: Regression
Shodor: Advanced Monty Hall
Regression by eye
NLVM: Les prix Whammy
Probabilité conditionnelle
Probabilité conditionnelle 2
Probabilité conditionnelle 3
Correlation Demo