4 mars 2025

La surprenante vérité à propos de l'apprentissage à l'école

Conférence de Will Richardson. Voici une description et sa bio:

We know how to help kids develop into powerful learners. Now, we just need to make that happen in schools.

"A parent of two teen-agers, Will Richardson has spent the last dozen years developing an international reputation as a leading thinker and writer about the intersection of social online learning networks and education.

Will has authored four books (with two more on the way), including ""Why School? How Education Must Change When Learning and Information are Everywhere"" (September, 2012) published by TED books and based on his 2013 TEDx talk in Melbourne, Australia. ""Why School?"" is now the #1 best-selling TED book ever.

A former public school educator of 22 years, Will is also co-founder of Modern Learner Media and co-publisher of ModernLearners.com which is a site dedicated to helping educational leaders and policy makers develop new contexts for new conversations around education.

Will lives in rural New Jersey with his wife Wendy and his kids Tess and Tucker."